020 7205 2544   info@mxestates.co.uk



Guaranteed Rent

For 1 to 5-year letting periods. This gives landlords a short, mid and long-term return on their property investments.

Rent Paid

Whether occupied or unoccupied. Even if there is a tenancy gap or time-out for repairs between tenancies.

Rent Arrears

With MX Estates, this doesn’t happen – your rent is guaranteed. You are paid by us, on time, every month for the full period of your letting contract.

Legal Eviction Costs

MX Estates takes care of all repossession or eviction related matters. You, as landlords, do not pay for any legal representation or Court eviction fees.

0% Commission

No commission or management fees to pay for renting your property.

Tenant property damage

We work with tenants to make sure such situations are unlikely to happen and mediate with them in potentially uneasy situations.